Bunga grew up in a small town in Central Java. Born into a large family with several older siblings, her mother became a single mother after her father died when she was in junior high school. Bunga moved to Bogor and joined YCM and Bogor Tours two years ago, and now works as both a tour guide and as the administrative officer. She decided to join Bogor Tours to improve her English skills, learn about tour and guiding, and to learn more about Bogor.
She loves learning new information from meeting Bogor Tour guests, and gaining confidence from this. She said “being a tour guide makes me proud of my country, and especially Bogor”. Her favourite place in Bogor is Suryakencana street, one of the culinary districts. Bunga is a very active member of YCM; in addition to being part of the YCM Creative Writing youth program, Bunga also teaches the primary school students at YCM each week, and is always involved in planning YCM special events. When she’s not busy at YCM or Bogor Tours,
Bunga enjoys reading books and drawing. She said her biggest dream is to be a successful person and to make her mother proud of her. She hopes to one day own her own house with a private library in it.
Bunga has travelled to Yogyakarta, Bali, and Jakarta, and her favourite Indonesian foods are rujak and mangosteen.